| 1. | On condition that i can be granted a tuition scholarship 如果能获得学费助学金的话 |
| 2. | I have a tuition scholarship from the university . otherwise i ' m on my own 学校只让我免缴学费,其余还是自掏腰包。 |
| 3. | A : i have a tuition scholarship from the university . otherwise i ' m on my own 学校只让我免缴学费,其余还是自掏腰包。 |
| 4. | The college offers each year full and half tuition scholarships to students of total monetary value over 3 million dollars 本院设有全费及半费奖学金,颁予学业成绩优异的本科生及研究生,每年奖额逾三百万元。 |
| 5. | The college offers each year full and half tuition scholarships to students of total monetary value over 3 million dollars 本院设有全费及半费奖学金,颁予学业成绩优异的本科生及研究生,每年奖额逾三百万元。 |
| 6. | I . to encourage foreign students with excellent credentials to study at st . john ' s & st . mary ' s institute of technology ( sjsmit ) , the school offers tuition scholarships and assistance with living expenses 第一条为奖励优秀外国籍学生就读本校,并协助其在校就学生活,特订定本办法。 |
| 7. | These are full tuition scholarships which are renewable for another year . they are to be awarded to academically outstanding students , who demonstrate proven leadership , potential for further development , and who are not in their first year of studies 奖予非一年级或毕业班而学业成绩优异、具领袖才能及有发展潜质之本科生,该名学生并有机会获续发奖学金一年。 |
| 8. | College big scholarships , including full - tuition plus hostel fee scholarships , full - tuition scholarships and other scholarships of substantial amount , are awarded to outstanding chung chi students who have shown excellence in their academic pursuits and have demonstrated leadership abilities and potential for further development 书院大奖,包括全年学费及宿费奖学金、全年学费奖及其他奖额逾万元之奖学金;奖予学业成绩优异,有领导才能及发展潜质之崇基同学。 |